Country Attic Treasures & Sporting Firearms,
3995 Hudson Ave, South Lebanon, OH 45065
(513) 494-2075
We highly recommend that you contact Scott and his team of associates at Country Attic as they are highly experienced in the types of shotguns that work well for youth shooters. Our coaches will also be happy to give advice on shotgun type and size. Below is the recommended list of gear that each youth athelete should have before coming to practice.
Shotgun & Gear list:
1. Athletes will need to have their own shotgun to shoot on the team. We highly recommend that you do not buy a shotgun before talking with the coaches and Scott Ready about what type of gun to buy and it is especially important to fit your athlete with the right sized gun. We ask that you do not buy or bring a shotgun which ejects shells from the bottom of the action as it is difficult to see if the gun is unloaded. All guns need to be inspected by the coaches before use in team activities so that we can be help ensure that they are safe. Guns need to be cleaned regularly so be sure that function correctly and are safe.
Approximate price estimates:
Pump action: $300+.
Autoloading (semi-automatic) $600-1200.
Over/under break action: $1600+.
Used shotguns may be an option if they are in good condition and fit your athlete well.
Shotguns will need to be fitted with removable choke tubes so that shot spread can be varied. Recommended choke tubes: Skeet, Improved cylinder, improved cylinder/modified, light modified, modified.
What gauge to use: 20 gauge or 12 gauge recommended. We do not recommend .410 or 28 gauge as the shells do not have a lot of shot so hitting the targets is much more difficult even though the recoil is less. 410 or 28 gauge shells are also much more expensive.
20 or 12 gauge works best.
2. Shooting glasses (mandatory)
3. Ear protection (mandatory)
4. Shooting vest - see Uniform & Gear page
5. Range bag